What's The Difference between Worksource and Salesforce?
Worksource VS. Salesforce.com
Salesforce is a multifunctional and highly customizable CRM platform designed to support complex business processes and drive the productivity of sales, customer service, and marketing teams. It’s a tool to manage contacts, leads and the sales pipeline. However, it’s not a ‘plug and play’ system. Implementation can take well over a year and cost tens of thousands of dollars on top of the user licensing fees. It also requires hiring an Implementation Partner to help customize, launch and support the system. It can be a great tool, but it's costly and time consuming and requires buy-in from the entire organization.
Worksource is a simple repository, similar to Box or Dropbox, but so much easier to manage and navigate because Worksource was designed specifically for sales enablement and office integration. It connects Sales, Marketing and Training by housing all current and compliant materials so they are readily available for field base employees to access and share via their cell phone, tablet or desktop. It’s a single source of truth.
SF is an amazing tool to use as a contact management and pipeline management tool and as an integration for marketing campaigns for lead nurturing. It’s not a repository for your sales and marketing tools. And even if it pro ports to offer that, it’s not plug and play.
Worksource is plug and play. Literally within a week you will be up and running. We offer a simple and cost-effective way to manage and distribute resources and improve workflow for your sales and marketing team.